Brand Story
Meet Lazzy!
That's me. Lara Turnbull to LinkedIn and my old swim coach. Lazzy to literally everyone else. So buckle up, this is Lazzy's Life. Based on a true story.
Lazzyland (I went there, sue me... please don't sue me) is a place where two things are valued above all else: health and happiness.
All too often we're made to feel like the things that make you happy, and the things that keep you healthy are two opposing weights on the balancing scale of life. A little bit too much of one and you need to start thinking about the other, and quick... But that's not the Lazzy way.
The Lazzy life is a land where health and happiness are best buds. No trade-offs, no guilt-trips, no worries.
We're at the beginning of the journey and like any under-dog, we're starting small. For us, that's chocolate bars. Delicious, low-sugar, fun loving bars. Start as you mean to go on.

Cool to be kind
Some chocolate tastes like plastic.
Some chocolate acts like plastic.
Not Lazzy’s.
We’re 100% recyclable. 100% kind. 100% delicious.

Frequently Asked Questions
I want to find out more
about my Lazzy’s Chocolate bar
Why does Lazzy’s contain Maltitol and not sugar?

Our bars are formulated with Maltitol instead of sugar to create a bar with a low sugar content , so that it can be enjoyed as part of the healthy hearty good life.
What is Maltitol?

Maltitol is a sugar alcohol (a polyol) used as a sugar substitute. No silly, sugar alcohol won’t do what you think it does.
Is Lazzy’s vegan?

Yes! Our dark chocolate bar, My Old Man's Cherry Bomb is vegan.
Is Lazzy’s gluten free?

You bet! Each Lazzy's bar is gluten free and suitable for coeliacs.
Is Lazzy’s nut free?

All of our Lazzy’s bar recipes are nut-free. However, our ‘Mumma Kez’s Choc Crunch’ bar contains pretzels which may contain traces of sesame seeds. Our factory does handle nuts so we can’t guarantee that there aren’t any traces of nuts in our chocolate. That means nut allergy sufferers, we’re not for you just yet. But we’re working on it.
Does Lazzy’s Cocoa have sustainability certifications?

You bet we are. We’re Cacao Trace certified. That means our chocolate is as fair as it is tasty. Want to know more, check out:
Where does Lazzy’s source their ingredients?

Our Cacao Trace chocolate is sourced from 7 different cocoa growing regions where there are partnerships with farmers (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Uganda and Vietnam). Our other ingredients are soured from the UK or the EU.
Where is Lazzy’s produced?

Lazzy’s is produced in the UK.
What is Lazzy’s packaging made out of?

Our chocolate bar packaging is made from a polypropylene film. Our outer case packaging is made from cardboard.
Can I recycle Lazzy’s packaging?

Some chocolate tastes like plastic.
Some chocolate acts like plastic.
Not Lazzy’s.
We’re 100% recyclable. 100% kind. 100% delicious.